Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Palmyra NY

 Logan has had every Friday off this month. He didn't use any of his vacation for the year (besides during our OBX Thanksgiving trip) until now. It's been nice for him to be home each Friday and spend time as a family and get things done around the house.

This week we needed to take Jana's can back to her. I drove it home from her house last weekend on my way home from NYC. We drove it to the outlets, where we left it for her, and then went on a "hike" through the Sacred Grove in Palmyra NY. It was a beautiful 80 degrees! Dry beautiful weather.
 Brennan ran through the trail the whole time directing us which way to go. Each time he saw a bench he would say, "Everyone, everyone." Meaning for us to all come and sit down. I'm not sure where he got that but it was pretty funny.
Brennan learned he was scared of bees during this trip. Below he he standing with his arms close to his body because he heard a buzzing bee. He would also scream very loud if anything flew by his face. Hmm, we might need to get him out in the woods more.

Brennan started out our walk with M&M's in his little Altoids container. He held them tightly in his hand as he ran down the trails. We took a small break and he decided to open his container. He paused a bit when the M&M's he put in didn't look the same as the M&M's he wanted to eat. Logan and I laughed at the melted M&M's.

We loved the vast amount of trees. Even though there were few and small leaves, we were getting plenty of cool shade.

 Trevor loves dandy lions just like Brennan did at that age.

Just hanging out on the grass eating left over Easter candy. Trevor sure loves candy just like the rest of us :/

Trevor's crazy fuzz hair. It always sticks up because it's so thin! These were good back lit pictures to capture the fuzz.

 Check out that hair!
This boy loves to be thrown up in the air. He gets mad when Logan stops.


  1. I love the fuzzy hair stage!

  2. That is so cute. I love his hair. And Brennan's story about the m&m's is funny.
