Trevor turned one March 9th. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. We lived in Spokane the first half of the year and now live in New York. Packing, moving, and getting settled seemed to take up much of the year. Fixing up the house and getting settled in a new house has also been keeping us busy. Before we knew it this little boy turned one!!
Trevor is such a sweet boy. He is pretty even tempered and loves to explore and play with his brother Brennan. Sleeping is the only things we've struggled with when it comes to this boy. He doesn't cry himself to sleep like Brennan would. Trevor can cry 3 hours in the middle of the night and then FINALLY fall asleep. Naps are hit or miss but still VERY needed. We've been playing off and on with one nap a day, but the days he only gets one nap he's too grumpy by late afternoon. Trevor will uusually talk/cry/lay in his crib in the afternoon without falling asleep. Even if I bypass that "quiet time" he falls apart by 4pm.
We sure love him! Happy Birthday Trevor!

Our cute little birthday boy! He's crawling all over and cruising like crazy. He stands on his own occasionally by letting go of things but then topples down.

Brennan giving Trevor a birthday kiss. We sang the LDS Primary birthday song to him over and over all day. Trevor loved it and would sway side to side while clapping his hands.

Checking out his one and only gift. Brennan opened it and read it. Trevor just watched. I guess older brothers are sometimes too helpful.

Trying to get a glimpse of the book.

We facetimed Grandma Dance while Trevor opened his gift and blew out his candle. Brennan is enjoying the color book more than Trevor :)

I had to hold Trevor's arm so we could get a picture before he ruined the cake. Although he only got a cupcake. (notice the nasty orange wall paper and counters in our kitchen. They will be replaced in June when we update our kitchen! I'm pretty excited.)

Brennan helping Trevor get the cupcake into his mouth. This really helped Trevor decide he liked it and wanted more.

Slowly having his own tastes.

Brennan didn't eat all of his dinner so we told him he couldn't have any cake and ice cream until it was gone. He took every chance he could to sneak tastes of Trevor's cup cake. It was quite humorous actually. He even got on the ground to pick up crumbs to eat.

I love Trevor's faces!

Happy Birthday Trevor!