Saturday was Brennan's 3rd birthday. To celebrate we had a friends birthday party for him on Friday. For some reason there are always things going on during his birthday and so this year I wanted to try and make it special (and once again we were going to be out of town on his birthday).

The day before his party Brennan did a great job at helping me decorate our front room. He put most of the fish up on the walls. After the fish I had cut out were gone, he said he wanted to cut out more. So I did. The room looked like we were in a fish bowl after all my cutting and Brennan's taping.

I made some felt fish with washers sewn inside the nose. We had a great fishing game for the kids. They each had a few turns getting as many fish as they were old. Some kids were 3 and one was 2 and one was 4. They had fun helping each other count the number of their fish.
We also did a bean bag toss game. I had some cards with red, blue, and yellow fish on. The color of card the kids chose was the color of bucket they tried to toss their bean bag into.
The last game was kind of like musical chairs. I had a present wrapped with many layers. They passed the present around until the music stopped. Who ever was holding the present took off one layer of wrapping paper. After a few rounds the gift was opened and each child got a glow bracelet and party blower. I didn't realize how big of a hit each of those gifts would be. Logan was the one who picked them out at the store and I actually laughed at them when he brought them home. The kids LOVED them. Nice job Logan.

Brennan loved the party blower so much he couldn't really focus on anything else - i.e. lunch, blowing out candles, and opening presents. It took a few times telling him to blow out his candles. He just wanted to keep blowing that party blower. Silly boy.

He liked to blow out the "fire". Nice job Brennan it took him 4-6 blows.

We all had lunch. Logan made some yummy rolls for sandwiches. The grapes were also a hit.

Opening presents was kind of a struggle. That party blower was stealing Brennan's attention. Seriously it was kind of ridiculous how hard I tried and asked him to put it down and open the presents his friends had brought him. Once he got the hang of it he was good to keep opening, but he sure didn't forget his party blower.

Brennan loved every single one of his presents. He got some play-doh, cars, and an air plane, a Thomas puzzle, and an aqua doodle. He enjoyed the rest of the day playing with each one of his presents. It was pretty cute how he took turns playing with each of them and telling me when he was done with one and ready to play with the next.

Thanks to this sweet, super easy boy, the party went smoothly. Trevor enjoyed sitting on the carpet the whole time watching everyone. He is Amazing!!! We sure love him.

The party friends. They're saying "Happy Birthday Brennan!"

We love our ward here in Rochester and all the great friends we have. Brennan loves Joy school and nursery with his friends. I'm glad we moved to an area with great friends for him to grow up with.